This is The Best Potency Training For Your Penis

What good is the longest, thickest, shapely penis if it can't pull itself together? Therefore, women are less concerned with the shape than with the stability of a penis. In a study by a pharmaceutical company, 90 percent of the women surveyed stated that the hardness of a penis is more important to them than the length. The good news: with potency training, you can improve your potency rather than the shape of your best piece - at least if you don't want to go under the knife ( these are the 10 most common surgeries on the penis ).

Who do Potency Problems Affect?

Potency problems can affect both partners: What a flaccid penis is for a man, a dry vagina is for a woman. If things aren't going as well between your legs, it's not necessarily a question of age. Many factors can be responsible for short-term or long-term sagging: stress, medication, an unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, or a lack of potency training.

What is Potency Training?

Potency training refers to targeted measures that permanently improve the stability of the erection of the penis. The penis should become harder and more enduring. In this way, not only the sexual performance, but also the fun of sex can be significantly increased - for the man himself, but also for the partner. There are various measures to train potency. In the following, we look at the most common and most effective methods in detail.

What Exercises can you use to Train Your Potency?

It's not just the biceps & Co. that benefit from strength training: "Your potency can also be trained," says Dr. Frank Sommer, Hamburg urologist and university professor for men's health. The stability of your penis can benefit from pelvic floor training in particular, as science has proven: A study from Great Britain found a clear increase in stability in around 75 percent of the subjects with erectile dysfunction after three months of pelvic floor training.

These 4 Exercises are Ideal For Penis Training:

  1. Inclined plane: Lie on your back, support yourself with your feet and elbows and stretch your body up as far as possible. Pros get a leg up before they tire.
  2. Pelvic raises: Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent. Now tighten your buttocks and back muscles and lift your pelvis off the floor a little. Hold this position without going into deep breathing. Lay down slowly, and relax.
  3. Swing: Take your hands on your hips, bend your knees slightly at first, then more. Then you bring the pelvis forward. Hold the tension briefly, backward, then back to the starting position.
  4. Pelvic floor stoppers: "The pelvic floor muscles are needed to maintain an erection," says Dr. Summer. Here's how it works: Tighten your pelvic floor muscles while sitting. Imagine you interrupt the stream of urine. You hold this tension 15 times for around 6 seconds each time, taking a 20-second break in between. Then follows a dynamic exercise: you stand with your legs almost shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent. Now tighten your glutes to push your pelvis forward. Hold the tension for a moment, then relax when you go back.

Does Masturbating Increase Potency?

Yes, masturbating is healthy - also for your potency. Because regular masturbation with the right technique is part of good potency training. There are various methods you can use to do this. For lasting results, train 3 times a week, but not on consecutive days.

  1. Use the so-called teasing technique. This method is often used in therapy for premature ejaculation. The penis is stimulated until you are close to orgasm and then stopped. The process is repeated several times in a row. Ideally, you'll end up masturbating more often without an orgasm
  2. Maintain the erection with muscle power. You masturbate again until you almost reach climax. The lack of stimulation means that the penis loses its full hardness. Then you bring the penis into a 90-degree angle with your muscle strength alone, which leads to strengthening.
  3. Masturbate consciously and playfully. Use masturbation to closely monitor your penis' erection ability. Which method makes him really hard? When does he lose tension? Play with hardness and relaxation and get an awareness of the preferences of your best piece. By the way: Even with an orgasm, masturbating promotes erection hardness, since the potency muscle is tensed shortly before ejaculation. That means: The training is not just pure work.

This is How you increase your Potency with your Partner

Of course, you can also use the teasing technique mentioned above with your partner - and by doing so you are doing her a favor. How it works? By only letting her caress you or thrust you until you're on the verge of orgasm and then turn to her. During this time, your erection will subside and then unfold in all its glory again. This is how you train the function of the blood vessels in the penis. The partner benefits because she has more time to reach orgasm and you consciously focus on her, again and again, to distract yourself from your lust.

Does Exercise Increase Potency?

Yes, those who exercise regularly are less likely to have erectile dysfunction. Just half an hour of exercise a day reduces erectile dysfunction by around 40 percent, according to the results of several studies. The reason is: Physical activity reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis, which negatively affects potency. Sport also promotes the release of the male sex hormone testosterone and blood flow to the penis. This is what every man should know about testosterone. Don't forget: During sport, happy hormones are released, which reduce stress, which is often the reason for the temporary slack.

What Tools increase Potency?

To optically enlarge the penis or to keep the erection longer, there are all kinds of aids, such as penis pumps or cock rings (from €12.99). In fact, a ring can make the erection stronger and last longer. However, they are only partially effective as training devices to increase potency.

Are Drugs Suitable for increasing Potency?

"The application is only recommended for patients who have vascular changes but no weakness in the pelvic floor," says Professor Sommer. That means: Before you have trained your pelvic floor, for example, you should not resort to any means. The problem with the medication is also the lack of spontaneity since you always have to have the pills with you. 

However, there are natural remedies that have few or hardly any side effects. You should know these natural home remedies to increase potency. They are supposed to increase blood flow in the penis and thus improve stability. A course of vitamin E supplements (from €15.99) can also help. A urologist will be happy to advise you on this.

Which Foods Increase the Stability of the Penis?

You can also influence your potency by the way you eat. For example, a lack of the trace element zinc can lead to potency problems. Zinc is found in high amounts in eggs, butter, and certain types of fish.

Fish, such as salmon, also contains a lot of omega-3 fat, which improves blood circulation in the penis. Iodine has a regulating effect on the male hormone balance. Spices such as ginseng (from €19.90) or saffron (from €16.90), as well as cloves and garlic, are also said to have a potency-enhancing effect, as are nuts, especially Brazil nuts, (from €17.19) as studies have shown.

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